The intro – Cosmic Clash
The first time I saw spaceships battle it out in the Cosmic Clash game, it reminded me of the old Master of Orion game.
Now that was an excellent space strategy, with different weapons at your ship’s disposal. Missiles, projectiles, particle cannons, and blasters (I still recollect the pink hue of a neutron blaster) ships used them all in MOI. Those are similar to weapons that the Cosmic Clash game utilizes to sparkle my imagination.
Something is mesmerizing in watching the battle where these shielded and heavily armored juggernauts exchange their salvos and explode in a fiery blaze.
MOI is a classic, a fond memory, the game which used to allow you experience those moments. Cosmic Clash NFT game is doing the same today.
Visual representations of battles are excellent, you can replay clashes of your choosing (they don’t have to be yours), and it all works flawlessly. A clear representation of blockchain benefits in all its glory.
If you are in a hurry and want to skip the visual representation of the battles, you can. That way, it’s possible to play 20 fights in like 5 minutes.
There’s an option for the game to show you only the “juicy” parts – kill shots and explosions. A middle ground between full battles and skipping one entirely.
What separated Cosmic Clash from the rest of the NFT projects?
The ability to deliver a fun and enjoyable experience now!
Cosmic Clash does not offend the player’s intellect by offering something in the not-so-close future. It’s fun and playable today!
I should mention that the player base is slowly growing, and new ships arrive on monthly drops in limited numbers.
If the player base expands too quickly, the price of the spaceship NFT-s could skyrocket.
FGL Metaverse and the basics of Cosmic Clash
Cosmic Clash is one of the games fueled by the FGL token (Another game from the same team of devs is Mecha world, and I might cover that one at a later date, as I play that one too). So we can call it a true multiverse.
In each season (monthly), you’ll earn FGL tokens by winning fights.
Furthermore, if you observe the FGL token chart, you’ll find it stable.
And if you consider the dip the market is recovering from, you can say it’s performing admirable, and that’s not an easy feat.
There is no sign of rampant inflation, which plagues some other projects, which is very important.
The foundations are healthy. And that is the core thing to watch for, before investing in the project.
Cosmic Clash game make’s it very simple, get a few ships (5 minimum), and you are ready to fight.
Of course, that approach is valid if you want to get your feet wet. But, with it, you’d be losing quite a lot, as Cosmic Clash players are a competitive bunch.
If you’d like to be good at it (and lose less), you’d need to figure out the ship’s stats (you can find those in-game). How does one compliment the other, what’s the most likely setup of most opponents, and how to counter them?
There are a thousand combinations, and your job is to find one which works for you.
Easy to play, but hard to master game indeed.
Make your fleet stronger
It’s not necessary to blend and destroy the NFT-s to level up, just keep the duplicates in your wax wallet.
It might seem a bit confusing at the start, but the UI in-game makes it easy and clear for you.
And if you decide you don’t want them anymore, you can sell them at any point.
That’s a clever design, and it makes the ships even scarcer.
Another noticeable aspect of the game is how the ships level up.
The recipe is 10-5-2-1. You’ll need 10 common ships, 5 rare, 2 epics, or 1 legendary for a level-up.
Each additional level makes your ship a bit stronger.
Of course, as the ship rarity goes up, so does the price. Popular epic, and especially, legendary ships can be quite expensive.
Naturally, players’ tactics change and evolve, and that changes the market prices.
But not only that, even the team blended one epic ship (Phalanx) which was fairly weak, into something formidable (Phoenix).
So, if you like to play the market, you can speculate and trade ships – if that is your cap of tea.

Tournaments and the drops
Regularly, almost monthly, there is a drop of new ships, a new race with new capabilities. Then the new season starts.
A part of the sale is transferred to prizes (40% of the sale drop from the last sale), and you can earn significant rewards. So far ranging from WAX, and FGL tokens, to packs, prize wheel spins, ships, etc. – if you are good.
That is only a part of the reason why the game is competitive, the other part is a natural desire of the player to see his/her ships fair well. To emerge as the victor, and to rank as high as possible.
Normal human behavior and Cosmic Clash is tapping on it.
The next sale is Dark Matter Galaxy ships drop, we don’t know much about them yet. As the drop date is getting closer, I expect we’ll get more information in CC discord soon enough.
What we do know is the fact that the last drop contained 200 Starship packs, and 100 common packs (5 ships each, 95% common, 5% rare).
Seasonal and weekly tournaments
The seasonal tournament is the main event, with the biggest prizes, and most players participate. During the regular season, you get 5 free battles a day which earns you FGL tokens.
In seasonal tournaments, you can win packs, FGL prize spins, ships, as well as a whitelist for the next pack drop.
Furthermore, there is a smaller one called the weekly tournament, as the name suggests it lasts only a couple of days.
A current weekly is especially open to new players, as it gives you a choice of any epic ship in the game – to use in this tournament only.
All you need to do is choose 4 common ships, pair them with the chosen epic, and you are good to go.
The rewards in weekly tournaments are packs, ships, and WAX.
But that is not all, the game sports a few more tournaments, usually during the offseason, and some are community provided.
It is worth mentioning that the community is small and vibrant.
There is always something going on (thanks to mostly bubuwen84 and his mods).
My way
My entrance to the game was with the Spiral ships drop (about two months ago). The following drop, I added a few Aquarius Galaxy packs, traded a couple of ships, and went a missile ships route.
I’ve chosen missiles because they completely ignore the ship’s shields. But now I’m toying with the idea – switch from missiles to corrosive ships, pair it with a photon reducer (an epic which has the specialty to reduce shields on enemy ships), and enjoy while the enemy fleet’s armor gets melted.
There are a lot of routes to explore in Cosmic Clash gameplay, and I love this kind of strategic thinking.
I urge you to read more about the ships, and their specialties in the Cosmic Clash whitepaper and the discord.
As there are so many epic ships with different traits, I’ll append here the main traits of epic ships. Those are the ones with the most utility, the spine of every fleet.
You can find this and more on CC discord:
Epic Ships Now that you have your core fleet picked out, its time to supplement with an Epic or two! (budget depending). The Epic ships in Cosmic Clash are “support” ships, they are not simply stronger versions of the common/rares. You need to read their special abilities closely and pick the one(s) that will best help your fleet.
Defensive – These defensive epic ships help your fleet live longer to outlast the opponent.
Shield Battery
The shield battery increases the shields on ALL of your ships at the start of combat. Great against any non-missile fleets.Missile Magnet
Forces all enemy missile ships to hit it, this is the bread and butter defense against missile ships.
Barrier Reef
Gives adjacent ships “hardened shields”, making them block missiles. Place this one carefully, protecting your most vulnerable ships from missile attacks.
The colossus increases the armor on adjacent ships every time it attacks. This makes it effective against all fleet types, just make sure your fleet lives long enough to take full advantage!
EMP Coils
This ship will disable an enemy every time it fires, also damaging it! Great for slowing down powerful enemy ships and helping your fleet live longer.
The medusa freezes a single ship in its tractor beam AND makes it more vulnerable to damage. A mix of defense and offense.
Repair Dock
Every round the repair dock repairs some damage on a friendly ship. Great for longer battles where it can get a lot of repairs in!
Reduces an enemies attack by a decent percentage for 3 turns! This ship can really slow the enemy fleet down, great against ships with heavy attacks.
The firefly reflects the enemy attack back onto itself! This ship is great to use against enemies with very high attack power.
Offensive – These epics help your ships go on the offensive!
Photon Reducer
At the beginning of combat, this ship reduces the shields on ALL of the enemy ships. Great if you have a projectile/corrosive heavy fleet.
Gravity Anchor
Marks a ship with a targeting device, all of your teams ships will target that one until it is destroyed! Great for destroying high value enemy ships.
The Phoenix permanently increases the damage of ALL the ships in your fleet. It is a corrosive ship, so it is best paired with projectiles / corrosives.
The numbers behind Cosmic Clash NFT game
So far, I’ve spent about 3k-5k wax on the game, and I believe I can rank in the top 40 with this setup.
I’ve already won a bit in tournaments, and these are NFT-s we are talking about – and if I choose to sell them, I’d be breaking even.
My pack openings luck was mediocre. From about 5-6 Starship packs, I’ve pulled 2 epics, and the rest were rare ships.
One large pack was 700 WAX, and you get two ships from it (rare being the lowest quality).
There is about a 1 to 6 chance that you’ll get an epic ship, and 1 to 100 that you’d get a Legendary.
The cheapest legendary on the AH is listed for close to 10k wax, at the time of writing this article. So yeah, it’s a rare breed, and if you are to pull one, you’d be on a fast lane to the top of the ranks.
They are that good!
I’ll try my chances with the upcoming Dark Matter galaxy drop again. 😉
Notably, the packs hold their value over time, the lowest Starship pack price from the last month’s Aquarius sale is 1000 WAX, and there are only 8/200 left in existence!
Interview with the team behind Cosmic Clash game
I’ve asked Roger (if you visit the CC discord, you’ll soon know why he’s a main driving force behind this NFT project), and he was kind enough to answer them.
1. Can you briefly introduce yourself, which is your role in the FGL NFT games?
Hello! My name is Roger Bankus. I am the General Manager of FGL. This means I oversee all of our mobile + crypto operations. I am also the lead game designer + developer for Cosmic Clash.
2. Why did you create a space combat game?
My favorite games growing up were always the space games! Star Control, Master of Orion, Wing Commander, Tie Fighter, pretty much all of them.
I loved the idea of creating one of my own, but just focusing on collecting fleets of starships and battling them together, skip all of the tedious resource collecting : )
My goal with Cosmic Clash was to create a simple and fun space combat game on the WAX blockchain. Something that players can jump right into without setting up a complex spreadsheet to simulate earnings. Just buy some ships (and actually own them!) and smash them together to try and win rewards. I want all of my player’s thinking to go towards battle strategy and what combinations they can invent to beat the other players.
3. If I’m correct, the last sale was the first one which was not sold out instantly but in a few days. Does that worry you, or can you attribute it to the current WAX NFT status?
We are constantly tweaking things in Cosmic Clash to try and adjust with our players needs. We knew going into this pack sale that it was going to be tough for a few reasons.
The current state of the market is one, but also because we’re very cautious not to flood the market with ships and devalue assets.
This is why we set the gears in motion before the sale to “slow down” the addition of new ships into Cosmic Clash with the idea of tournament seasons. With this new setup we don’t need to push a drop every month to keep things exciting, we can go every other month or even further! It gives us the flexibility to adjust as the market fluctuates and players interest in crypto waxes and wanes.
4. Which part of your work do you like the most?
Designing new ships is very fun, but my favorite part of game development is the player engagement. There is no better feeling as a developer to see players buy your ships and then come up with crazy strategies you never even thought of!
I love to watch the theory crafting and seeing what interesting fleets people come up with. Our players are definitely better at Cosmic Clash than I am!
5. Have satisfied are your with the upcoming Dark Matter ships, their design, and their features?
I am very satisfied with the ships we have come up with this round! I think the players will really enjoy them. The Dark Matter ships overall are all about high weapon damage and sneaky tricks!
The art team also did an awesome job pulling off the dark + sinister theme I was hoping for.
6. How do you balance the time for the discord, FGL games, and RL?
Haha, good question, I am still working on that. I find myself checking Discord WAY too often, I do try to limit how many projects I am involved in though heh.
Recently I have been trying to give myself a WHOLE DAY off on Saturdays with limited success :).
I am just too excited about this space to step away easily.
7. Where do you see Cosmic Clash in 6 months?
We will continue to release new ships with new strategies, find lucrative rewards for our players to win in tournaments, and keep fine tuning the game. We should also have the exciting “mass destruction” game mode in that time frame, which will be a completely fresh take on the battles. Both fleets of ships firing simultaneously? That is going to open up an entirely fresh set of strategies.
Also as mentioned before we will adjust as our playerbase changes, if we experience a big upswing we can take on even more exciting updates!
8. Cosmic Clash or Mecha World, which FGL project do you find more fun?
Right now I have to say Cosmic Clash wins out, mostly since Mecha World doesn’t have PvP yet hehe. But, I have been playing their dice battles behind the scenes and having a lot of fun putting parts on my Mecha so it’s going to be very close soon!
I think the two will play very nicely together, as neither of them has a huge daily time commitment. You can easily bust out your battles in Cosmic Clash then do some questing + battling in Mecha World, sharing the FGL token with both!
9. Anything else you’d like to say?
I would just say if you like spaceships and PvP-ing come give Cosmic Clash a try!
It is very easy to get into and we have leaderboards + good rewards for brand new players! We even have a weekly “community event” site that was built by one of our players where you can win FGL tokens + ships in a PvE type setting.
FGL is in this for the long run, where we are building multiple games all based around the FGL Token. We see an exciting future for WAX and FGL will be part of it!
Many thanks to Roger for taking the time from his busy schedule to answer my questions! I enjoyed reading them. Additionally, they are vital to “feel the pulse” of the team.
If you’d like to ask the devs something else, leave the comment below, or ask them yourself on discord.
Making an informed decision to invest or not in some project, is the best way to succeed.
Providing you with useful information, the information you can act on is something I enjoy doing myself.
The Cosmic Clash NFT game is the one I enjoy the most at the moment!
It has everything I like in the NFT-s: p2e, great community, strategy thinking, enjoyable battles, and continuous development by a solid team.
That will eventually lead to a larger player base, and a bigger rewards pool and new players will expand tactics, making the game even more fun.
I’d recommend this one to all my NFT friends, and I’ll do the same for you – check out Cosmic Clash now!
Cosmic Clash pros:
- Fun factor
- Hefty prize fund
- Stable economy
- Continuous development
- Community involvement
Cosmic Clans cons:
- The relatively small player base
- If you’d like to be in the top 10 now, you’d have to spend a considerable amount of wax, or you’d have to be born under the lucky star for pack opening.
If you love spaceships, if you are competitive, and you love earning while playing, don’t let this gem slip under your radar.
These kinds of projects are the ones that will be on the main front of the WAX p2e space!
The Giveaway
I’ve managed to secure another giveaway for my readers. And the Cosmic Clash team (thank you Martine!), has come through! 3 rare ships! Wow!
I’ll try to do this with every project on Tested Goods, so stay tuned.
Prizes:1 Shock1 Aurora1 Blue striker
The rules:
-write in the comments below why you like the Cosmic Clash game and your discord handle.
-the best answers (deemed by me, at a random time) will win the NFT-s (one each).
*To be eligible for the prizes, you have to be a member of the Tested goods discord, at the time of announcing winners.
I’ll announce the winner’s list here (at a random time), and if you don’t get back to me within 48h, I’ll select someone else instead (make sure to check if you’ve been selected).
-Rin won the Aurora ✅
-Krelborn won the Blue Striker ✅
The giveaway has ended, and prizes have been sent.
Thank you to all who participated, stay tuned for new content!
Kevin is an amazing YouTuber with a positive discord community, and I’ve come to respect his work.
Check out his videos on Cosmic Clash.
Love Space-related games. Only interested in how they gonna onboard new players?
Does they have separate tournaments for low lvl players?
Interesting question, just moments ago they’ve announced a new weeky tournament rules.
You’ll get a free choice for two epics, and you’ll have to add 3 rares lvl 1, or commons (lvl1 or lvl2).
So, you’ll need only three ships of your own to participate.
I suggest you visit their discord for more useful info on it.
Ok, need to check that!
Congrats Y, you’ve one the first one.
You have checked all the boxes, and you get to choose your reward.????
Get back to me with your choice (and wam) within 48h.
Hey! Thx 🙂
I will take Aurora – seems balanced xD. 3sk2y.c.wam
Aurora sent. Enjoy it!
I have been interested in space themed games for most of my gaming life and as I am getting older I don’t have as much time as I used to, but cosmic clash takes about 30 min out of my day to play through my daily battles and there is alot of strategy involved so its alot of fun for me.
Yeah, I know the feeling. We have to pick our battles.
Remember to follow discord if you are aiming for the rare ship ????
i realy love their NFT. ❤
ok, you’ll get Shock.
reply this with your wam ;).
Such a game lover and extreme enthusiast of this revolution that were living with web3 and blockchain tecnology we are flooded with a various projects and its impossible to known
which one gonna shine. But we can take the chances but we can put luck in our favor participating in solid projects with serious teams behind and I think PGL brings this to us.
Cosmic Clash was the first Wax project I joined. The community is fun and helpful and I was able to jump to different projects. I am most invested in Cosmic Clash and Mecha World and think that FGL has a bright future. Everyday I get better at the strategy and I hope to place high this season. Discord: Krelborn. Twitter: @KDarkwand
Congrats Sean, you are a second winner. Choose your poison, you have 48h to reply here with your wam.
I’ll take the Blue Striker. Thanks!