Goldmand, P2E NFT game on WAX

The intro – or why have I chosen Goldmand?

You might ask why am I reviewing the Goldmand game, a project which is more than a 6-months old, and whose tokens and assets are selling at an all-time low?!
Furthermore, you might add that I’m blinded by the fact that I’m a mod on their discord channel.
That’s all true, you have valid points there. Allow me to answer you with a few questions of my own.

Which NFT project do you know that is not hurting right now? Is any, that came out around the same time, still alive and developing?
As a mod on the project, I have regular contact with the owners/developers, and I’m in a unique position to share some useful information with you.
If the developers manage to deliver what they are working on…
Well, let’s just if they succeed we have a bright future in front of the project.

One might even joke that the Goldmand NFT web3 project is on the way to becoming a Goldman Sachs of a web3 space.
As we know, Goldman Sachs is one of the leading global investment banking firms, and Goldmand could position itself as its counterpart in the web3 space.
For clarity, they are not related in any way, except by very similar names.

When is the best time to buy in if not when it’s low (DYOR, I’m not a financial advisor.)?

That’s why I’ve chosen Goldmand for the first review on Tested goods.

current ways to earn wAX in Goldmand

Currently, I’m making about 80 WAX per day with my setup (lvl 14 with full artifact tools + a bunch of artifact amulets). That’s not much to earn per day, but it adds up over time. And as the Goldmand game has been around for like 6 months now, it’s not so bad.
For this kind of setup, the earnings should be a lot better, and I’m hoping that a relaunch will solve that.

You can currently earn in three ways in Goldmand:
1. Mining (you all are used to this one)

2. Liquidity pools (LP). Goldmand has a nice swap feature to avoid Alcor exchange. You can swap all your mining resources (MR) to the other two MR-s, and even straight to WAX.
That is possible because there are liquidity pools, where you can stake your MR-s and WAX, and in exchange, you get a portion of the fourth in-game token (GMD).
Keep in mind, that to get your daily allocation of GMD (depending on your % of the pool), you still have to mine at least 1 per day, and the number of tools or their rarity does not matter at all.
If you are set to earn GMD, invest in liquidity pools, grab yourself 1 common tool, and mine once per day. That’s it.

3. Lands (buy land or two), plug them into the game, and stake MR-s on them to get a bigger slice of the pool (each race has a specific daily pool allocation of MR-s).
To keep it simple, it works something like this. You get a cut from every player who mines on your land, and you can decide how large that cut should be (depending on how many resources have you staked on the land).
Not all lands are mined out (those with a higher % of tax are not), and the earnings from lands are very small today.

The Old Roadmap and the new plans

If you are on the Goldmand discord channel, you know that zah is working hard on beautiful visuals for the new assets and the website, Dax is writing medium articles and probably a new whitepaper, while Pla codes it all together.
If you are curious about what are they working on here’s the roadmap from the website.

Goldmand NFT game roadmap

As the website isn’t regularly updated (for example mini-games are canceled), and a lot has happened since this was posted – don’t take it too seriously.
The roadmap here serves only as a general direction. A course where devs would like Goldmand to be, a list of wishes if you will.
That being said, it’s still somewhat useful for us. Armed with it, and with the discord information, we can deduct a few things.

We know that the devs are working on a game relaunch, on a major update, but the details are still unclear (shrouded like the sneak-peek images from zah).
What we do know fairly certain is the fact that the economy of the game will change, the monster ranch will bring a new kind of circular economy, and we are led to believe that the next NFT drop will be for current MR (mined by tools). AND THAT IS GREAT.

Will they issue Monster ranch and Adventures in a single go? After the last announcement, it seems so.
Whatever their final plan for this relaunch is, it could be BIG. Big enough to lit the flame again!

Relaunch details for Goldmand game

By when will all this be in action, deployed, and utilized? As Dax posted on the discord (in the last announcement), the relaunch will most likely happen in October.
We are expecting some parts of it on the testnet soon. I’ll try to arrange a short interview with the owners of the Goldmand project, and see what will they say.

I assume that all of it will be timed with a massive marketing push, as Goldmand currently (and all of the crypto) is stuck in some kind of a bog.
Given that Goldmand had three (tools/amulets/lands) very successful sales, and that the owners spent only a tiny fraction of the project’s wallet (close to 1.8m WAX at the time when I’m writing this), we have reason to stay calm and retain our positivity about the future of the project.
You can track the project’s wallet (2d3yc.wam) for yourself.

I’ll append here the most important parts of the before-mentioned announcement:

Monster Ranch
At the ranch you will use GMG to buy animal food to feed your monsters, which will produce MRs (Treon’s monsters will produce GME, Earth’s GMF and Vion’s GMM).

However, life in the ranch is not so calm. You must take care of the ranch from the attacks of Wild Monsters. To do this you will have to train a guardian monster and send it to patrol the ranch.

Adventurers Guild
In this game mode you will be the master of an adventurers guild, and of course, you will have different adventurers from all the 3 worlds that you can send in 4 types of requests: mercenary missions, hunting missions, exploration missions and merchant missions. Each of them has different enemies to face. With each successful mission you will be paid with GMD, but you will also have a small % chance of looting certain assets. However, your adventurers don’t work for free, you will have to pay them with GMG on each deployment.

Multi-chain technology
We’ve been working hard to get Goldmand out of Wax. As we have always said, we love wax but our goal is outside this chain. For our big relaunch, our tokens will be also purchasable with coins from other Blockchains or with a Credit Card. More info on this matter will be given later.

Internal Market
In correlation to the Multichain technology that we want to implement, we will also have our own internal market where you will be able to buy and sell assets with GMD.

In the relaunch there will also be multiple ways to spend your tokens and burn NFTs. The amulets bonuses will be completely different, there will be a lot of synergy between the assets of the different game modes (for example, you will be able to use amulets to mine or to equip them to your characters), we’ll have an improved leveling system (for the account and also for tools, monsters, chars, etc.), monster breeding, etc.

This seems very, very promising. It’s excellent news for the old players to build their position and stock on the MR-s and assets. It’s even better for the new ones looking to join cheaply.
If you believe that the team will put their money where their mouth is, the time to enter is now!
I should mention – Dax revealed that the new WP and medium articles are underway.

Goldmand was once No 1 on the Atomic hub, and I can’t see the reason why it shouldn’t retake that position once again.
Furthermore, you can find that Goldmand currently holds a high No 13 spot on the Atomic hub all-time top collections list.

How to play – a quick tutorial for mining

As I’ve mentioned before there are 3 ways of earning in the Goldmand game. This short tutorial will cover the mining section, as the most interesting part of the current gameplay.

What do you need to start?
Depending on the desired WAX sum you are willing to spend on it, I’d always recommend buying at least one artifact tool (AR). As it will increase a cooldown timer, and in return, you’ll have to mine less frequently for optimal results.
A minimum setup is 1 tool, but I’d not recommend less than 3. One should be as high rarity as you can afford (AR).
If you can afford amulets, the rule of thumb applies – higher rarity = more bonuses. Amulets provide an additional bonus to the tool consumption and rewards, but we’ll not speak about them here to keep it simple.

I’ve heard many times, why do the higher rarity tools have more consumption?! More consumption is actually a good thing, as it will boost your rewards even more.
Basically the more you spend, the more you will get on top.

Check the Goldmand medium articles as well, it can help you understand the game even more.

Now armed with that knowledge, go over to Atomic hub, and check the price of the tools (remember – DYOR).

Interview with the owner of the Goldmand Game

I’ve asked the owners if they could answer a few questions and zah was kind enough to answer them.

1. Can you briefly introduce yourself, what is your role in Goldmand?

My name is Viktor, and I’m from Bulgaria. I’m a designer, UI expert, animator, and entrepreneur (I hate this word) with more than 15 years of experience in this field.
Previous businesses: Big web agency back in Bulgaria and several e-commerce stores.
My role in Goldmand: I’m one of the Game’s co-founders.
Helping with The game concept, making the entire UI, and managing the team.

2. What inspired you to create Goldmand?

We always wanted (me and Pla) to create some kind of browser game, back from the time when Farmville was a big hit on Facebook. When we heard for the first time about the NFTs, we knew it was the right time.
Pla started to search for the right blockchain to do it, and he found the WAX blockchain. 😉

3. As the NFT market on WAX dipped, all the NFT discord channels are more or less flooded with FUD. How much does that bother you?

This is normal because a lot of users lost a lot of money during this dip.
When you’re working on something you believe in, and people come to tell you it’s not going to work, the best thing you can do is ignore them.
You can’t let your community be flooded with Fud either, it’s your (and your team’s) responsibility to maintain a healthy and positive environment. But that’s exhausting, you know?

A lot of times the Fud gets you down, and I think that’s where a lot of project fails.
Many let themselves sink by the FUD, and it’s something that people will hardly understand, but when things are not going well and the Fud appears you have only two options: give up, or keep working even if people discourage you.
I’d be lying if I said it’s not bothering me at all, it’s hard.

4. Many projects gave up, picked whatever they had, and turned the key. Why are you still going?

I think that every team behind a P2E project knows from the beginning what they want to do. If they want to rug people, they will. And if not, then you will see them working even in the worst Dip.

5. What’s your incentive to keep working through all of it?

Our idea from day one was to make a long-term project, the number one game in the wax blockchain, and now we’re aiming to become a multi-blockchain game.
We love video games and blockchain technology, and we are convinced that it’s possible to build something sustainable and fun.
That’s why we keep working.
Yes, we slow the pace a little bit, but I’m sure the result will be worth it.

6. As the discord is fairly quiet, and the game is at the ATL, do you think you can revive it? Can you shortly explain the relaunch plans?

It’s normal. Goldmand is a P2E game and people usually just chase money. When something is no longer profitable, they leave it.
We are aware of the current state of our game and community, and we consciously stopped marketing temporarily as well.
That’s why there are no more promotional activities in the discord and things like that. It doesn’t make sense to promote the game in its current state.

But we are preparing for big things, and there will be a big marketing campaign for the relaunch.
Our Plan is simple: launch the Ranch and the Adventurers Guild, and then a Brawl-style PVP game.

But in between that there are a lot of other things: Easy registration outside the Wax blockchain, In-game marketplace, Paying with different currencies, etc.

7. ETA on the relaunch? (I’ve sent the questions out before the latest announcement)

A realistic ETA would be for October, but we will do our best to make it sooner.
What I can assure you is that we’ll restart the marketing for the relaunch in September. There will be a lot of activities and surprises for our loyal players.

8. Where do you see Goldmand in 6 months?

I’m seeing Goldmand in 6 months as the most played and long-lived game of the wax blockchain, with several game modes that will make the Goldmand experience not only Play-to-Earn but also Play-for-Fun. And we also have big plans to expand us to other chains as well.

9. Anything else you’d like to add?

We are negotiating with a big investment fund right now, but we are at the very first stage. We will see.

Many thanks to zah for taking the time and answering my questions. I hope you’ll find this short interview well worth your time.
If you’d like to ask the devs something else, leave the comment below, or ask them yourself on discord.

Making an informed decision to invest or not in some project, is the best way to succeed. Tested goods know that, and this is the main purpose of this website. To provide you with useful information, the information you can act on.


I don’t want to burden you with more texts, and with the relaunch, I’ll need to update or write a new review anyway.
It’s time to conclude, the goldmand game pros and cons:

Goldmand pros:

  • Over a 6-month-old project, and the total amount of MR-s and NFT-s on the market is not that big
  • The team, although small, is competent and they aim high
  • Still profitable (however small the profit is today)
  • Announced changes could be the light at the end of the tunnel

Goldmand cons:

  • NFT-s & MR-s on the ATL
  • Fairly quiet discord
  • Not a lot of players < 1000 / 24h, according to DappRadar
  • Over a 6-month-old project, resulting in saturated Alcor and AH
  • A relatively small team

Goldmand has had its ups and downs over time, like many projects out there.
This team dreams big, will they manage to deliver? A lot of projects, and many teams promised who knows what, and most of them failed.
I know these guys (and Riri, sir) for a while now, and I’m confident in their abilities.

Furthermore, I’m satisfied by the fact that Goldmand has a hefty wallet that is not drained, a few whales which are not selling, and I’m staying positive about Goldmand’s web3 future!
What about you? Feel free to comment below.

The Giveaway of Goldmand NFT-s

Everyone loves free NFT-s! And with the donation from the Goldmand team (thank you Dax), I’m in a position to organize a little giveaway.
I’ll try to do this with every project on Tested Goods, so stay tuned.

1 Tool Chest
1 Amulet Chest
3 Promo Packs

Goldmand game tool chest
Goldmand game promo pack 1
Goldmand game promo pack 2
Goldmand game promo pack 3
Goldmand game small amulet chest

The rules:
-write in the comments below why do you like the Goldmand game (and your discord handle).
-the best answers (deemed by me, at a random time) will win the NFT-s (one each).
-to be eligible for the prizes, you have to be a member of the Tested goods discord at the time of announcing winners.
I’ll announce the winner’s list here (at a random time), and if you don’t get back to me within 48h, I’ll select someone else instead (make sure to check if you’ve been selected).

Dave -> Teddy -> 1 Promo pack ✅
-Matt -> Chest of his choice ✅
-Teddy -> 1 Tool chest ✅
-Sprikitik -> 1 Promo pack ✅
-Rin -> 1 Promo pack ✅

Giveaway 1 has ended, and prizes have been sent.
Thank you to all who participated, and stay tuned for Goldmand giveaway No2!


Kevin is an amazing YouTuber with a positive discord community, and I’ve come to respect his work.
Check out his videos on Goldmand.

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25 thoughts on “Goldmand, P2E NFT game on WAX”

    • Hi Dave, congrats on the first comment!
      And for being first, I’ll award you with a promo pack.
      Please respond here within next 48h, and ping me with your wam over in the discord.

  1. I’ve been part of Goldmand for the better part of 6 months, if not longer. I’ve seen the game evolve and update consistently in that time – some good things, some not so good things. But one thing that I really like about the game is that it is constantly evolving and trying to be better. I’m looking forward to the new updates announced yesterday, looks like it will be a positive change. When it would be easy for the devs to walk away with a nice profit, it’s refreshing to see that they are still wanting to do better and bring their customers/investors a solid and enjoyable game.

    The Lonely Astronaut#0952

    • Thank you Matt for taking your time to comment.
      As someone who was with Goldmand for a long time, you are probably aware what’s coming next.

      You have won a pack of your choice.
      Ping me with your choice and your wam on dc, and I’ll send it over.

      Remember to respond here within 48h.


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